Post size follows root canal anatomy Popular 0.5 size for small canals and for maximum retention of tooth structure Double taper - matches root canal shape Special glass fiber - high esthetics and strength Excellent transmission of light High concentration of fibers - better mechanical properties Greater radiopacity allows radiographic visualization Modulus of elasticity similar to dentin's lower risk of root fracture Silicone stop identifies post size and indicates place for cutting Direct use (prefabricated) - saves clinical time and decreases lab costs Longitudinal fibers - easy removal Versatile sizes - indicated for most clinical cases
Exacto Kit 15 posts (5 from each size 1,2,3) + 3 drills + ruler Refill: Exacto #1 5 x Size 1posts and 1 x Size 1 bur. Exacto #2 5 x Size 2posts and 1 x Size 2 bur. Exacto #3 5 x Size 3posts and 1 x Size 3 bur. Exacto TranslucentKit 15 posts (5 from each size 1,2,3) + 3 drills + ruler Refill: Exacto Translucent #0.5 5 x Size 0.5 posts and 1 x Size 0.5 bur. Exacto Translucent #1 5 x Size 1posts and 1 x Size 1 bur. Exacto Translucent #2 5 x Size 2 posts and 1 x Size 2 bur. Exacto Translucent #3 5 x Size 3 posts and 1 x Size 3 bur.